Sunday, 31 March 2013

iwowwe review scam

                                       iwowwe  reviews

                                   don't believe what you see or hear for this kind of risk

iWowWe, founded in 2007, markets a suite of online video email and communication tools through its network of independent Affiliates.
iWowWe’s products include video email, a video communications suite that includes video conferencing, online collaborative tools, a video autoresponder and other business marketing tools. The company also offers 2 Professional Business Packages that provide extended video email and conferencing capabilities for organizations. 

Enrollment Options

iWowWe offers 2 packages for new Affiliates – the Basic Package for $75.00 plus $20.00 per month, which includes iWowWe service with 250 video sends at a time, 2,500 sends a day, and 50 people at a time in video conferencing meeting; and the Premium Upgrade for $195.00 plus $20.00 per month, which includes iWowWe service with 1,000 video sends at a time, 10,000 sends a day, 100 people at a time in video conferencing meeting, video email autoresponder, automatic redirect to any webpage, a professional custom video mail template, and ability to maximize earning potential through iWowWe’s compensation planMy friend got into (i)WowWe, even though what he described is a pyramid scheme, and I just don't understand why would I participate in such a thing.

Has anybody else heard about WowWe? Heard stories, have experience?

I've been looking for information about WowWe's technology and presence but haven't found a lot of this 'video e-mail' that it's heavily advertising. All talk and fluff with no real substance behind it. At every seminar all they talk about is the forced compensation matrix (or something like that). They always talk about that, instead of the technology itself.

You have to go out and promote this in order to get money out of it. Even though there is no product to sell, you still have to get people on board to get money and that's where it quickly resembles a pyramid scheme.   my thoughts ITS A SCAM


The Internet Payday is a new work at home opportunity available to everyone, regardless of whether or not you have “technical skills,” after just a quick 5 minute sign up.
After completing the 5 minute sign up, Internet Payday claims that after your “quick and easy set up” anyone can “get started immediately” making up to $257 a day. SO IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AWAY TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE OR WITH YOUTUBE THIS IS FOR YOU

                             NOT A PYRAMID SCAM


please comment   


  1. I find it quite interesting that you characterize iWowWe as a scam without any real understanding of their products or affiliate program. In fact, your poor attempt to write a fake review to promote your own supposed opportunity is quite transparent.

    So, since you have not been honest about the iWowWe video conferencing and marketing platform and products I will be happy to shed a little light on the subject with my own research and use of their tools

    First, you should know that I have found the tools provided by iWowWe to be very high quality, powerful, and a huge money saver. For example, if you are to use Aweber as na auto responderto maintain and communicate with subscribers it will cost you $30 for a list of only 400. If you maintain a list of thousands it will cost you hundreds of dollars. With iWowWe I can maintain an unlimited sized list of subscribers and never experience a rate increase iWoWe is a certified email provider which means that they are already white listed with all ISPs and email platforms. In case you don't know why that is important, that means the emails being sent out are delivered into the inbox not the spam folder.

    Let me now say a few words about the video broadcasting and conferencing tools that iWowWe offers. If you are to use Go To webinar for example as a platform to give web presentations, with a capacity to have 500 attendies, your are looking at several hundreds of dollars a month for this. With iWowWe you can broadcast a live web presentation to 500 attendies with much more functionality and with up to four presenters and it is included with all of the other tools at no extra expense. Additionally, They also provide a separate conferencing tool that allows you to have up to eight presenters and 50 attendies. This is great for business meetings where the the participants may be in different geographic locations and even good for special family events where they can come together in one place though they too may be in different parts of the country, or even world.

    One other tool that iWowWe provides at no additional cost is the ability to send high quality video emails that can even redirect the recipient to a website following the viewing of the video. They include many very beautiful and professional templates to use for all occasions. You can even create your own templates if you wish.

    One thing most people don't completely understand and appreciate about all of these powerful business tools is that they are built to be used easily on any moble device worldwide. Think about it for a minute. You have the most powerful and high quality video conferncing and marketing platform onthe planet and it is optimized for any mobile device. iWowWe has actually established a new standard that no one else hase even come close to accomplishing. When people realize what is now available it will be a game changer.

    How much does all of this cost you may ask? This is what really made my jaw hit the floor, it is only $199 initial cost and $25 a month with no rate increases. This also enables you to market the product as an affiliate if you desire. iWowWe does have white label packages available as well that can be a good option for large businesses. In fact, American Express, Ford, and 2000 other major companies have found value in these tools and use them today.

    I did look into the compensation for the affiliates that market the iWowWe platform and learned that iWowWe actually pays out close to 90% of the revenue back to the affiliates through production and activity based model. Really, very impressive if you take the time to understand it.

    Anyway, hope this information helps you have a better understanding of iWowWe and their products and affiliate program. If you would like more information simply follow the links I have included below.

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  3. You say their a scam and then you present your own scam. Unbelievable. If you want to present your business, present it...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Iwowwe is not a scam sunshine ive been using the products not to make money but to communicate with love ones for over 5 years for my transport business....Morris williams
